Lost Medicare Card

Lost Medicare Card Replacement Help: How to Get a Replacement Medicare Card that is Lost, Damaged, or Stolen

If you have a Medicare Part A and Part B card that’s been lost, stolen, or damaged, you can contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) for a replacement card.

You must provide your name, date of birth, Social Security number, and mailing address. You may also need to show proof of identity.

Once you have all the required information, you can apply for a new replacement Medicare card online or by calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY: 1-800-325-0778).

Continue reading this article, and we will answer your questions and learn more.

How do you Replace a Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Red, White, and Blue Medicare Card?

Step 1: Go to www.Medicare.gov.


If you lose, damage, or someone steals your Medicare card, you can apply online to get a replacement card at the Medicare website. You must set up an online Medicare account, provide your personal information, and answer some questions to verify your identity.

Once your application is processed, you will receive your Medicare card in the mail within 30 days at the address provided. Confirm or update your address to ensure you get your Medicare card.

Medicare beneficiaries can also call the social security administration during normal business hours from Monday through Friday.

Step 2: Scroll to the “Replacing a lost or stolen Medicare card” section.


If someone loses their Medicare card or is stolen, they can replace it by visiting MyMedicare.gov, calling 1-800-MEDICARE, or visiting a Social Security office. Medicare beneficiaries must be aware of fraud and identity theft if their Medicare card is stolen, as someone else could use it to access their Medicare health benefits. 

Step 3: Enter your information.


If you lose your Medicare card or it is stolen, you can order a replacement online or by phone. You must provide your name, birth date, Social Security number, and current mailing address. You can also order a replacement card through your My Social Security account.

Step 4: Click on the “Submit” button.


After completing all the steps, you will need to submit a request for a new card. You should receive your proof of insurance sooner than 30 days after requesting your needed membership card.

Step 5: Print out your new Medicare card.


You can print a temporary Medicare card anytime from within your online account. There are more details about printing your Medicare card online if you have an urgent medical need and must have your Medicare ID card today.  

Medicare card

What information do you need to replace a Medicare card?

If someone’s Medicare card is lost, stolen, or damaged, that person can request a new one by following the instructions below. Once your new card arrives in the mail ensure you keep your card safe.

How long does it take to get a new replacement Medicare card?

Getting a new Medicare card after applying can take up to 30 days.

In the meantime, if you need proof of Medicare coverage, log into your online social security benefits account and print a temporary confirmation of Medicare. Ensure you confirm your mailing address on file is correct, so your new Medicare Card will arrive on time.  


What is an Original Medicare card?

The Original Medicare card is the first card you received in the mail that is red, white, and blue. It shows the effective dates a Medicare beneficiary enrolls in Medicare Part A and Part B

This is not your Medicare supplement Plan G card, Medicare Advantage plan card, or Medicare Part D prescription drug plan card. Your Original Medicare card is part of your secondary Medigap plan enrollment.

What is the Medicare number?

The Medicare number is a unique identifier assigned to each person who enrolls in the Medicare program. The number is used to track and manage claims and benefits and is an essential identification for anyone who receives Medicare benefits.

Medicare no longer uses a Medicare beneficiary social security number to protect your identity from being stolen.

What do I do if I never receive my replacement Medicare card?

You can replace your Medicare card online if you never receive it. Once receive your Medicare card after your 65th birthday, ensure you keep your card in a safe place.

Do I need to call the insurance company to activate my new Medicare card?

You don’t need to activate your new Medicare card. You can print and use an official copy of your card while you wait for your card to arrive in the mail.

Is there a place I can get a temporary Medicare card?

You can still receive healthcare services if you lose your Medicare card or replacement letter. You can print a temporary copy of your Medicare card and use it while waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

If you are visiting a healthcare provider without a Medicare card, ask the provider to look up your insurance information.

I think my Medicare card was stolen. What should I do?

If you think your Medicare card was stolen, the first thing you should do is call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

Can I laminate my Medicare card?

Yes, you can laminate your Medicare card to help preserve it.

How do I request an address change with Medicare?

You can request an address change with Medicare by contacting the Social Security Administration. 

Do I get an Original Medicare card from insurance companies?

You can only get an Original Medicare card from the Social Security Administration (SSA). 

When can I apply for a new Medicare card?

You can apply for a new Medicare card when you become eligible for Medicare which is 90 days prior to turning 65 years old.

How do I obtain a replacement Medicare Advantage Plan Card?

If your Medicare Advantage Plan card is lost or stolen, you can contact your plan’s customer service department to request a replacement. You will likely need to provide your name, date of birth, Social Security number, and plan identification number. 

How do I request a replacement Medicare Supplement insurance card?

You can request a replacement Medicare Supplement insurance card with your insurance company. 

Need Help Applying for Medicare Plans

Integrity Now Insurance Brokers is here to help you obtain the needed Medicare supplemental plans and Medicare Advantage plans in your zip code. Once you enroll in Medicare Parts A & B, our Medigap Agents can assist you in reviewing your Medigap plan options.

Before you are allowed to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan offered by SCAN, Anthem, or United Healthcare, you must first sign up for both parts of Medicare. Many Medicare beneficiaries are automatically enrolled in Medicare at age 65; however, verifying as soon as possible is vital.  

Medicare beneficiaries must also enroll in a prescription drug plan, Part D of Medicare, to ensure they are not charged any lifetime late penalties. Our Medicare Advantage Agents will ensure you are fully enrolled and protected from these late penalties.

Contact us today to request help from one of our licensed Medicare Agents.
