Should I Switch from Medicare Supplement Plan F vs Medigap Plan G vs Plan N: A Look at the Pros and Cons
There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to choosing a Medicare Supplement plan. In this blog post, our health insurance agency will examine the pros and cons of switching from Medicare Supplement Plan F to Medicare Plan G to Medigap Plan N.
What are Medigap Plans?
Medicare supplemental insurance, also known as Medigap, is designed to help cover some gaps in Original Medicare. This includes things like copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance.
Various Medigap plans are available, each with its own set of benefits.
Most Medicare beneficiaries sign up during the initial Medigap open enrollment period. This ensures they can be accepted into the plan without medical underwriting.
If you sign up outside of this period, your program availability will be subject to any preexisting condition found in your medical history.

Why might I want to Change Medicare Supplement Policies?
There are a few reasons why you might want to consider changing your Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan.
- If you are no longer happy with your current plan or company
- If you are moving to a new state that offers better pricing
- If you want to change to a plan with different benefits
- If your health needs have changed and you need a different level of coverage
- If you are on a limited budget and want to save money Plan N premiums are lower than Plan F and G.
It’s important to remember that you can only switch Medigap plans during specific enrollment periods, so be sure to research your options before deciding to get a Medigap plan.
If your state has the birthday rule and wants to switch, you can change Medicare insurance companies without worrying about your health conditions.
What does Medicare Supplement Plan F Cover?
Medicare Supplement Plan F is a supplemental insurance policy that helps cover some of the gaps in Medicare coverage. It can help pay for things like deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
It can also help cover some of the costs of Medicare Part B, which is the medical insurance portion of Medicare.
Medicare Supplement Plan F is one of the most popular supplemental insurance policies because it offers a high level of coverage. It’s the most comprehensive of all the Medicare Supplement plans.
It covers most of the gaps in Medicare coverage, which means you’ll have fewer out-of-pocket costs.
While Medicare Supplement Plan F has a higher premium than other supplemental plans, it may be worth the extra cost if you need a high level of coverage. If you’re concerned about the cost of your healthcare, Medicare Supplement Plan F may be a good option for you.
What's Covered under Medigap Plan G?
Medigap Plan G covers the same basic benefits as Plan F, except for the Part B deductible. This means that Plan G holders must pay their annual Part B deductible out of pocket each year before Part B benefits are covered at 100%.
Other than that, Plan G covers:
- Part A coinsurance and hospital insurance costs
- Part B coinsurance or copayment
- The first three pints of blood each year
- Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
- Part A deductible
- Part B excess charges
- Foreign travel emergency care
What's Covered under Medigap Plan N?
Medigap Plan N is a standardized Medicare supplement insurance plan that covers some of the costs not covered by Medicare Part A and Part B. This includes things like co-insurance, deductibles, and foreign travel emergency care.
Here’s what’s covered under Medigap Plan N:
- Part A coinsurance and hospital benefits
- Part B coinsurance
- The first three pints of blood each year
- Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
- Part A deductible
- Foreign travel emergency care
Not Covered by Medicare Supplement Plan N:
- Part B deductible
- Part B copayments for doctors visits and ER visits
- Part B excess charges – Doctors can charge you up to an additional 15% of the total hospital and doctors’ bill
If you’re looking for comprehensive coverage, you may want to consider a different supplemental plan. However, Medigap Plan N can be a good option if you’re looking for basic coverage and want to share in more of the cost and keep your monthly insurance premiums down.

What are the Differences Between Medicare Supplement Plan F, vs Plan G, vs Plan N?
Regarding Medicare supplement plans, there are a few different options to choose from. Medicare Plan F, vs Plan G, and Plan N, are all popular choices, but what are the differences between them?
Plan F is the most comprehensive Medicare supplement plan available. It covers all the gaps in Medicare Part A and Part B, including deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
Plan G is similar to Plan F but does not cover the Part B deductible.
Plan N is the most basic of these three Medicare supplement plans, and it covers some of the gaps in Medicare Part A and Part B, but not all of them.
All Medicare supplement plans are standardized; however, they do not offer identical coverage. So, which Medigap coverage is right for you? That depends on your needs and budget.
Plan F is the way to go if you want the most comprehensive coverage. Plan G or Plan N might be a better choice if you’re looking for a more affordable option.
Depending on when you first became eligible to be enrolled in a plan, the F plan may not be included as part of your Medicare options.
If you apply for a new plan after January 1, 2020, Medigap insurance companies are only allowed to sell Plan G and lower plans.
No matter which plans you choose, Medicare supplement plans can help you save money on out-of-pocket healthcare costs.
If you’re Medicare eligible, be sure to shop around and compare plans using an independent Medicare agent to find the one that’s right for you.
What Do Medicare Supplement Plan G and Medicare Supplement Plan N Cover?
Starting in 2020, Medicare supplement Plan G and Medicare supplement Plan N became the two most popular plans for those newly eligible for Medicare. Plan G covers most of the gaps in Medicare, including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.
Plan N covers some of the gaps in Medicare, including coinsurance, but not your Part B copayments and deductibles.
What are the Differences Between Medicare Supplement Plan N vs Plan G?
Plan N is a newer Medicare Supplement plan that covers some of the same benefits as Plan G but with a few key differences.
Plan N covers 100% of the Part A and Part B coinsurance, while Plan G covers 100% of Part A and the Part B Deductible, copayments, and coinsurance. Plan N also requires you to pay an excess charge for doctor’s visits who do not accept Medicare assignments, while Plan G does not.
While the lower premiums may look attractive over Plan G, Medicare beneficiaries will have no surprise bills when enrolled in Plan G.
Always talk with a Medicare expert before you buy a Medigap Plan G and Plan N.
What are the Pros and Cons of each Plan?
- Plan C or Plan F depending on your state offering is the broadest plan available to retirees prior to January 1, 2020.
- Plan G covers the Medicare Part B copayments, and excess charges, while Plan N will require Medicare beneficiaries to cover this cost.
- Plan G has no out-of-pocket maximum, while Plan N has up to a $20 copayment for office visits and a $50 copayment for emergency room visits.
- Out-of-Pocket costs with Plan N can be substantially higher than Plan G due to the excess charges.
- Both Plans cover 100% of Part A benefits
- Plan G and Plan N both cover foreign travel emergency care.
So, which plan is better for you? Before you switch to a different plan, reach out to one of our licensed insurance agents to help you find the Medigap policy that’s best for you.
Premium Cost Differences Of Medicare Supplement Plan G vs Plan N?
Plan G has a slightly higher monthly premium than Plan N but also covers more out-of-pocket costs. Plan N pays for some out-of-pocket costs, but you may have to pay a deductible and copays for some services.
If you are new to Medicare and are concerted on the added monthly costs, you should also consider Medicare Advantage plans. Often Medicare Advantage plans do not charge an additional monthly premium, and they may include Part D coverage as part of their health care coverage.
Before you change Medigap plans it is crucial to understand and explore all available Medicare options.

Does your current Medigap plan provides more coverage than necessary
As you get older, your health care needs are likely to change. That’s why it’s important to review your Medigap policy on a regular basis to make sure it still meets your needs.
If you’re currently enrolled in Medigap Plan G, you may be wondering if you should switch to Medigap Plan N. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each plan to help you make a decision.
Medigap Plan G covers all of the same basic benefits as Medigap Plan N, adding coverage for Medicare Part B excess charges and copayments. This means that if your doctor charges more than the Medicare-approved amount for a service, you’ll be reimbursed for the difference (up to 15% of the Medicare-approved amount).
On the other hand, Medigap Plan N has lower premiums than Medigap Plan G. In addition, you’ll be responsible for paying a small copayment (up to $20) for doctor’s visits and a $50 copayment for emergency room visits.
Before you switch policies to save on your monthly premiums, review your benefits and then plan for how your health may change. As we age, you may look at the Plan N and Plan G premiums differently as your healthcare costs increase in the future.
Which is the Best Plan: F vs. G vs. N?
Comparing Medigap plans can be confusing, but it’s important to choose the right one to fit your needs. Plan F is the most comprehensive, but it also has the highest premiums.
Plan G covers everything except the Medicare Part B deductible, while Plan N offers the least amount of coverage.
Medigap Plans are Standardized
While there are ten different Medicare supplement plans all Medigap policies are standardized. This means each existing plan will remain unchanged from year to year.
If you decide to change plans, Medigap Plan G may be the top plan for most individuals but that doesn’t mean it is your best plan.
Which Medicare Plan Is Best for You?
When it comes to choosing a Medigap plan, there are a lot of factors to consider. One of the biggest decisions is whether to choose Plan G or Plan N.
Both plans offer great coverage, but there are some key differences to take into account.
Plan G covers more expenses than Plan N, but it also has a higher monthly premium.
Plan N has a lower monthly premium, but it doesn’t cover as many expenses as Plan G.
So, which plan is best for you? It depends on your specific needs and budget.
Common Questions:
Can you change Medicare Supplement plans anytime?
You can change your Medicare Supplement plan anytime, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you make the switch. First, you’ll want to consider whether or not you’re happy with your current plan. If you are, then there’s no need to make a change. However, if you’re unsatisfied with your current plan, switching to a new one may be a good idea.
There are a few things to remember when you switch Medicare Supplement plans. First, you’ll want to make sure that you understand the benefits of the new plan. Second, you’ll want to ensure you’re comfortable with the new plan’s provider network. Finally, you’ll want to ensure you can afford the new plan’s premiums.
If you’re considering switching from Medigap Plan G to Medigap Plan N, then you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of each plan. Plan G offers more comprehensive coverage than Plan N, but it also has higher premiums. Plan N, on the other hand, has lower premiums but doesn’t cover as much. Ultimately, the decision of which plan to choose depends on your specific needs and budget.
When can I change Medicare Supplement insurance plans?
You can usually switch from one Medicare Supplement insurance plan at any time during the year. Depending on your state, you may qualify for a special enrollment period. Other states do not offer any special enrollment period. You must undergo medical underwriting to change from one Medigap plan to another. Medicare insurance companies can deny coverage or charge higher premiums for specific medical conditions outside your guaranteed issue rights.
Changing Medicare Supplement plans: The Free Look Period
You can change your Medigap plan during the first year after you enroll in Medicare Part B. This is called the free look period. If you switch plans during this time, you can do so without having to answer any health questions. If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you can return to Original Medicare, and you may qualify for guaranteed issue under certain conditions.
Should I enroll in Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plan, or Medigap Policies
There are a lot of health insurance options out there and it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. If you’re eligible for Medicare, you may wonder if you should enroll in Original Medicare, a Medicare Advantage Plan, or a Medigap Policy. Here’s a rundown of each option to help you make a decision.
Original Medicare is the traditional fee-for-service program run by the federal government. You can see any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare, but you may have to pay some out-of-pocket costs.
Medicare Advantage Plans are offered by private companies, and they must provide at least the same level of coverage as Original Medicare. Some Medicare Advantage Plans offer additional benefits, such as prescription drug coverage.
Medigap Policies are sold by private insurance companies and they can help you pay for some of the out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing a Medicare plan. It’s essential to consider your health needs and budget when deciding. If you have questions, contact your local Medicare office or speak with a Medicare counselor.

Are You Ready to Switch Medigap Plans?
If you want to switch Medicare plans, Integrity Now Insurance Brokers is here to help.
With over 20 years of experience, our certified Medicare insurance agents are eager to provide you and your family with the needed assistance.